Saturday, January 9, 2010

+church+03/22/09+ (March 23, 2009)

(posted to Facebook, March 23, 2009)

I cannot really summarize the opposing view that was
presented (because of poor communication skills), but
I will try my best to sensibly present my beliefs.

First off, I am less concerned with doctrinal details than
most people. I do not know where this philosophy came
from. My only theory is that it was a reaction (retaliation?)
to old church.

I am more concerned with compassion. I have decided
that compassion is pretty much my number one goal.

To me, compassion is more important than a strict system
of irrefutable beliefs.

I really do think most of my worldview has been compiled
in the years after we left old church, as I reprocessed and
reevaluated what had been preached at me.

People underestimate the thought I put into my words.

For church, we are working through Matthew, with a
special emphasis on the words of Christ. Matthew 10:19-20
was being compared to Matthew 28:19-20. The passage
from Matthew 10 assures the apostles that they need not
worry with preparing speeches for if they get captured,
because "it is not [they] who speak." Matthew 28 is the
Great Commission, which is taught as applying to all those
that are saved.
The following was not my thought, but Hannah's:
_____If Matthew 10 does not apply to us, then Matthew 28
_____does not either, because in Matthew 28:16, it very
_____clearly addresses "the eleven disciples," not all those
_____that are saved.

Well played.

The following jumbled thoughts are my conclusions:

Just because people use a good thing for their own purpose,
that does not discount the worth of that thing. Evil use of a
holy thing does not make the holy thing evil.

One should be so close to God that what they wish to do is
what God wishes them to do, without any doubt.

Matthew 28:19-20 was spoken to eleven, but applied to all.
In context, in the proper time, EVERY word of God is applicable
to anyone who needs it.

However, people do abuse this, which is illustrated by the
common story of someone getting direction from randomly
choosing two verses: "Judas hung himself" and "Go and do
likewise." But that is taken out of context.

People use "God told me to do it" as an excuse, yes, because
then no one can refute that decision. But if you feel that you
had been told or led or ordained or whatever other word you
would like to use, you should not decide whether or not it is
accurate through logic, because logic will often eliminate purposes
that ARE Biblically accurate.

Logic cannot be used to eliminate what one feels they are meant
to do, because some purposes will not make sense in earthly
terms. Some purposes are not meant for earth.

Heaven's purposes may not mesh with earth's desires.

Sinful people will use anything for their own purpose, but an
evil motive does not mean that it NEVER happens in the proper

TRUTH is not subjective, I never said that. I said that WORDS
are subjective and the Bible is written text, which has been
interpreted, which is why we have different versions and why
there are so many doctrinal rifts between churches that should
be united for a single cause: SANCTIFIED COMPASSION.

FunFact: I have a friend who is into palm reading and Tibetan
healing and such, and he noticed that my hands have lots of
creases. And he said that means I'm an "old soul" and that is
probably why I am more mature than most of my peers and
that my soul is just waiting for me to let it out and do great things.

On Sunday, Mr. Fair told me that I'm very passionate and can
be deeply moved and deeply moving and that I must hold on
to that passion and let it out and do great things.

He used nearly the exact same words.

I thought that parallel was pretty much the COOLEST thing ever.

Matthew 16:26
For what is a man profited if he gain the whole world and lose
his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?


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