Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hitler Art / Un-Biasedness / Hitler Fashion (July 9, 2009)

(posted to Facebook, July 9, 2009)


"Before amassing his fortune with the enormous royalties from the publication of his hugely popular Mein Kampf, Hitler earned a living by using his artistic skills to produce paintings that were sold to the public or used for postcards. Hitler was a great student of the fine arts and studied music, opera, painting, sculpture, and architecture. While living in Vienna under conditions of poverty, he read voraciously and still managed to spend whatever meager income he had to attend lectures, concerts, opera, and the theater. Even when he barely had enough money to survive he refused to compromise and always purchased the best paints, brushes, paper, and canvas. As a remarkably prolific artist, he is estimated to have created between 2000 and 3000 drawings, watercolors, and oil paintings. His artistic talent revealed itself at an early age and continued painting and drawing throughout his life. Even while behind the front lines in World War 1, he continued to paint in his spare time and contributed instructional drawings and cartoons to the military newspaper. His art continued throughout his leadership of Germany and included detailed building plans, furniture design, city planning, and monuments.

Perhaps the notion of an artist becoming a political seems strange in the current era where politics are dominated by professional politicians, it was Hitler's profound artistic vision that translated from his dreams into reality the Autobahn, Volkswagen, Rocket Science, and in the general the groundwork for a prosperous people and flourishing culture before this was lost in World War 2.

Just as the ancient Greeks wrote about the unique qualifications of a philosopher to be a leader, an artist's unique perspective and instinctual drive to create something out of nothing makes the artist uniquely qualified to lead and inspire a nation."



Interested by the last thought of the above description ("lead and inspire
a nation"), I visited to read about the root site and the beliefs of
its curators.


"The Hitler Historical Museum is a non-biased, non-profit museum devoted to the study and preservation of the world history related to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party. True to its role as an educational museum, these exhibits allow for visitors to understand and examine historical documents and information for themselves. The museum, while acknowledging the tragedy that over 50 million people died during World War 2, retains its non-biased status by refraining from making political judgments of any sort. Neither does it make the standard, uninformative, and cliched historical judgement that the victor of the war was "good" and that the loser of the war was "bad." Instead, all materials and resources are provided as a documentation of the time period and as scholastic resources with notes for clarification. No biased judgments, slanderous labels or childish name calling exist here as they do in most of the writings on this topic."



First off, find the typo! There is probably more than one.

Allow me to highlight:
"The museum, while acknowledging the tragedy that over 50 million people died during World War 2, retains its non-biased status by refraining from making political judgments of any sort."
"Neither... that the victor of the war was 'good' and the loser of the war was 'bad.'"
"No biased judgments, slanderous labels or childish name calling exist here as they do in most of the writings on this topic."

Erm, so... lack of judgment really, really seems to bother me. A lot. Lots. I pretty much whole-heartedly disagree with the condemnation of judging as a sin. Being judgmental, however, is different. Judging simply refers to coming to conclusions about a particular something (or someone). Feel free to provide me with any references you may have supporting the thought that judging is a sin in and of itself. Being judgmental, on the other hand, implies a conceited attitude stemming from insecurity and a lack of self-esteem. Speaking of self-esteem, self-esteem also is not a negative characteristic.

All in all, the website seems to go very far out of its way to say that they do not think that Hitler was 'bad.' When someone so blatantly counteracts a certain action, it seems to me that they might as well commit the opposite of said action. Example: Racism. Imagine action against a certain ethnicity, whether demonstration or attitude. Affirmative action groups then attempt to counteract that negative action. Problem is, this counteraction tends to swing the pendulum too far to the other side of the continuum and the ethnicity that was originally being oppressed begins to be pampered and served.


Today, I was wearing a dark purple shirt and my mom remarked that I looked good in that particular color. I then began to think that there isn't really any color that clashes with my complexion, save perhaps bright yellow and bright green (however, keep in mind, I've never really worn those colors, simply because I do not care for them).

According to Hitler, the Aryan Race consists of people with light-skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. According to Hitler, I am of the Aryan Race.

Therefore, I believe that Hitler decided that the Aryan Race is the most supreme from a strictly fashionista point of view.


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